Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Wessam Bou-Assaly ~ Everything You Should Know About Peer Reviewed Journals

Wessam Bou-Assaly is a manuscript reviewer for Clinical Radiology, European Radiology, and Clinical Imaging. He is also an editorial board member for World Journal of Radiology, and Advances in Computed Tomography. He has written several papers for peer reviewed journals as well. He is highly experienced with this type of research and these types of journals.

There are peer reviewed journals for nearly every field of academia. These journals allow academics, professors, scientists, and doctors to conduct research and present their findings. The peer review process is strict in every field of academia.

If an academic has conducted research, he or she might write that research up in the form of a paper or an article. Once the written work is complete, that academic may send the manuscript to a peer review journal in his or her field. That manuscript will then be read by several other academics. Those professionals will check the manuscripts research and they will judge the quality of the writing. The reviewers will comment on the paper and vote as to whether or not it should be published.

The peer review process is strict because each peer review journal strives to publish the best written and most thorough research. The peer review process acts as quality control. Wessam Bou-Assaly was an Assistant Professor of Radiology at the University of Michigan for six years. He is well versed in the academic world, and has published several papers and articles in peer review journals. Wessam Bou-Assaly enjoys conducting research in his field.     


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